- May 22, 2021
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- Quebec, Quebec city
13 Facts about Quebec city Canada that you don’t know
Quebec City is very famous place in Canada and below mentioned facts about Quebec City Canada that you don’t know make Quebec City a very famous tourist destination in Canada.
1. Quebec city is capital of Canadian province of Quebec.
2. Quebec is official name of city in English and French, so this city is referred as Quebec city to differentiate between city from province.
3. Quebec City is second most populous city, it is having population of 516,622 residents in 2011. Quebec city comes after Montreal which is around 145 miles towards the southwest.
4. In 1535, Jacques Cartier, a French explorer visited Quebec City, he stayed there only for one winter before going back to France.
Cartier again visited in 1541 to have a permanent settlement, but he was abandoned within 1 year due to hard and harsh weather conditions and hostility.
5. Samuel De Champlain, a French diplomat and explorer arrived Quebec city Canada on 3rd July, 1608. He set up a fur trading post and permanent wooden fort and then founded Quebec city.
Champlain also was being called as “Father of New France”, who serve as administrator of new colony for hist rest of the life.
6. Quebec City is at intersection of St. Charles River and St. Lawrence. This city’s name was derived from Kebec, it is an Algonquin word, which means “where the river narrows”.
7. During American Revolution, troops from southern colonies attempted to liberate the Quebec City into Battle of Quebec, so Canada joined Continental Congress and became part of USA.
American revolutionaries get defeated and resulted in split of the British North America in 2 distinct political entities.
8. Surroundings of Old Quebec city are only fortified city walls which remain in Americas north of Mexico. Area inside 2.85 miles of the city walls have been declared in 1985 as World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
9. Massive Fairmont Le Chateau dominates Quebec City’s skyline from top of the Cap-Diamant. This hotel was designed by Bruce Price, an architect.
It was one of the series of chateau styled hotel which was built for Canadian Pacific Railway company. Railway company sought an encouraged luxury tourism, which brings wealthy travelers.
Today, Chateau Frontenac is world’s most photographed hotel.
10. Along an edge of cliff in front of Chateau Frontenac Hotel, Dufferin Terrace offers views of Saint Lawrence River.
Haute- Ville of Quebec city Canada is linked to Basse Ville by choice of Escalier, it is around 210 ft railway which is funicular and was first opened in 1879 on 17th November.
11. Quebec City was a place for meeting for two major World War II which focusses on D-Day: First Quebec Conference with T.V. Soong, William Lyon Mackenzie King, Winston Churchill and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
In year 1944, Second Quebec Conference was attended by Roosevelt and Churchill.
12. Now more than 95% of residents of Quebec city speak French, having third of population speaking both French and English.
13. Quebec City had NHL hockey team which was called the Quebec Nordiques between 1979 – 1995. This team moved to Denver in year 1995 and became Colorado Avalanche.
You can visit www.ville.quebec.qc.ca to know about Government Services in Quebec City.
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